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The THINK PINK! Fund distributes a one-time financial assistance, for basic living expenses, and/or miscellaneous expenses on behalf of breast cancer patients who have experienced financial hardship during active treatment. Basic living expense payments are made directly to the patient's creditors. Miscellaneous expense payments are given in a form of a gift card.


  1. One-time financial assistance is defined as financial aid, given in one large sum with a cap of $300, for basic living expenses, basedon available funding. Please note our ability to provide support varies based on the number of qualified applicants and available funding. Info Life Health & Wellness has a list of resources for further assistance.

  2. Basic living expenses considered are health insurance premiums, mortgage or rent payments, car payments, car insurance, or utilities. The THINK PINK!  Fund does not make payments for any medical treatments, prescription drugs (including hormone therapy), medical co-pays, insurance deductibles, prostheses, wigs, food, gasoline, or car repairs. For assistance for theses items contact the Info Life Health & Wellness Ministry or the Info Life Outreach Ministry to receive further resources.

  3. Miscellaneous expenses are defined as any expense not including those listed as a basic living expense with the cap of $200. This can be used for any purpose deemed necessary by the household and will be given in a form of a gift card.

  4. Active treatment is defined as the period after a positive diagnosis of breast cancer has been made (with a diagnostic biopsy), and during which therapies are being administered, including surgical procedures ( i.e single or bi-lateral mastectomy, lumpectomy, axillary dissection or sentinel node biopsy), chemotherapy or radiation. For the purposes of the THINK PINK! Fund, active treatment does not include long term hormonal theapies (including Tamoxifen, Fareston, Arimidex, Aromasin, Femara, Zoladex/Lupron, Megace, and Halotestin).

  5. Recovery is defined as a time period determined by your physician and may include a return-to-work date.


Should an applicant qualify, the THINK PINK! Fund will make direct payments to the recipient's creditors. Miscellaneous funds are dispensed in a gift card.


Help a breast cancer patients in treatment pay their bills so they can concentrate on what is really important...getting better!

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We give a one-time financial dispersment to breast cancer patients who have lost a part or all of their income due to treatment for basic living expenses and miscellaneous household needs.

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